Stormwater rate increase to be on March 12 UG agenda

A stormwater rate increase proposal will be on the 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12, agenda, according to a news release from the Unified Government.

The rate increase was the topic of much discussion last year and this year, with proposals brought forward and then modified.

The Unified Government has more than 2,000 areas that need work, with a price tag of almost $141 million, according to the news release.

As explained in previous UG meetings, the stormwater rate structure is being revised in order to reflect the cost of stormwater improvements. Currently, all residences and businesses pay the same amount, a $4.50 monthly fee.

Some of the past proposals were a system that would charge a fee based on the size of the property and its hard surfaces, including parking areas.

Earlier stormwater proposals included some steep increases for businesses, and were opposed by some business groups. There was also concern expressed at public meetings about churches and schools that might have to pay large fees because of the size of parking lots.

Under the latest proposal, 70 percent of the residential customers would have a rate increaseof $2.45 a month in March 2021, continuing through 2027, according to UG information.

The Unified Government Commission meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The UG’s news release and other information about the stormwater rate increase is at

Some UG commissioners asked for a way for residents to find out what their stormwater fee would be under the different proposals, and the UG has a website guide for residents to estimate their fees under “How much will this cost me?” at, according to a spokesman. After a proposal is approved, according to the UG spokesman, then the UG will make a searchable map available so that residents can see what their individual fee increase would be. After the increase is approved, the UG will mail a letter to each parcel owner telling them about their hard surface amount and their monthly fee, according to the spokesman.

To see an earlier story on the stormwater rate proposal, visit

An opinion column from last August on the issue is at