Update: Stormwater rate increase and municipal ID meeting have been postponed until later. Thursday’s UG Commission meetings preview

Update: Stormwater rate increase item and municipal ID meeting have been postponed until later.

A stormwater rate increase and the municipal ID issue are on the agendas for Thursday’s Unified Government Commission meetings.

The first meeting, at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in the commission chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. Seventh St., Kansas City, Kansas, will be on the municipal ID issue.

The second meeting, at 7 p.m. Thursday at the commission chambers, includes the stormwater rate increase proposal and other items. A public hearing on the stormwater rate increase has already been held on Jan. 9.

After the 7 p.m. meeting, the commission will go into a closed, executive session in the ninth floor conference room on labor negotiations and litigation.

Also on the 7 p.m. UG Commission agenda:

• An ordinance to amend the vacant property registration requirements.
• A resolution to approve the Westfield Community Improvement District, at Westfield Shopping Center, 8051 State Ave. It will add a 1 percent sales tax on goods and services there, to pay for imporvements.
• Authorizing up to $15,000 in gap funding for the Rock Island Bridge feasibility study, with the funds from the transient guest tax.
• An amendment to the KC Foodie Park development agreement to extend the construction start date to 150 days after closing on the first phase property.
• Amending the master equipment lease purchase agreement.
• Amending the term of UG elected officials and meeting schedule.
• Police department awards.
• Approval for the police department to apply for and accept funding for Operation Relentless Pursuit.
• Approval to accept overtime reimbursement funds for Special Traffic Enforcement Program.
• Approval to apply for and accept funding for the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness grant program.

Also on the agenda are Land Bank items:
• 715 H N. 7th St., yard extension.
• 2921 S. 53rd St., new construction, single family.
• Transfers from the Land Bank: Properties on hold for the Greater Pentecostal Temple, single-family houses at 808 Splitlog Ave., 233 N. 10th St., 907 Tenny Ave.

More information on each item is available on the UG agenda, online at https://www.wycokck.org/Clerk/Agendas.aspx.

The UG Commission meetings are scheduled to be shown on UGTV, which can be seen on Spectrum cable or Google TV, and also seen on YouTube.

The UG’s news release and other information about the stormwater rate increase are at https://www.wycokck.org/Stormwater/Rate.aspx.

To see a previous stormwater rate story, visit https://wyandotteonline.com/stormwater-rate-increase-to-be-on-march-12-ug-agenda/