Stocking stuffed with $10,000 lottery prize

William and Kim Horn of Kansas City, Kan., recently won $10,000 in the Kansas Lottery. (Lottery photo)
William and Kim Horn of Kansas City, Kan., recently won $10,000 in the Kansas Lottery. (Lottery photo)

Kim Horn of Kansas City, Kan., found a stocking stuffer like no other on Christmas.

It all started with a holiday tradition. Each Christmas, Kim’s husband William buys her $20 worth of scratch tickets and puts them in her stocking. Kim’s “Santa husband” did an extra good job this year because the stocking yielded a $10,000 prize.

“She was so calm I couldn’t believe it,” William Horn said. “I’m lying on the couch and she’s over there playing her tickets and all the sudden, very matter-of-factly, she says, ‘Honey, I think I just won $10,000.’”

Ten thousand dollars is a top prize in one of Kim Horn’s favorite games – $2 Twisted Bingo. The tickets in her stocking were mostly Bingos and Crosswords. The last one she scratched was the big winner.

Just to make sure they really had a winner, the Kansas City, Kan., couple took the ticket to the store to have it verified.

“After we knew for sure we had a big winner, we did a lot of high-fiving with people in the store – clerks, customers, even a friend of ours who was in there,” they said.

The Horns have been married 16 years. They plan to use their prize to pay off a vehicle loan.

“I still don’t think it’s complexly sunk in,” Kim said. “I don’t think it will seem real until the car is actually paid off.”

The Horns had some nice lottery luck over the holidays last year, too. They won a $100 prize and two $50 prizes in the 2013 Holiday Millionaire Raffle.

Their lucky $10,000 Twisted Bingo ticket was purchased at 7-Eleven 36. There are four top prizes of $10,000 remaining in the game, along with hundreds of thousands of other cash prizes.
– Story from Kansas Lottery