State revenue receipts met estimates for November, Kansas officials say

November revenue receipts met estimates for the month, but they are down from one year ago, according to state revenue figures.

Corporate income tax receipts were $52,000 more than expected and individual income tax receipts were $970,000 more than estimates.

Kansas recently revised its revenue estimates downward. The actual taxes collected were $408.8 million as compared to the $408.4 million estimate.

There was a decrease in the total collected in November of this year compared to November of last year. November in fiscal year 2017’s total revenues, $408.8 million, decreased compared to November of fiscal year 2016, $439.4 million, according to the state’s figures.

“Retail sales and corporate taxes continue to show negative growth due to agricultural and energy sector weakness. The individual income tax collections for November showed negative growth compared to last year due to the timing of withholding payments. Income tax is showing 3.62 percent growth compared to last year,” said Secretary of Revenue Nick Jordan.

Overall, the state collected $1.4 million more in total tax receipts than estimated.

Total revenue collections totaled $408.8 million for the month or $333,291 more than expected, according to officials.

The state has collected $2.27 billion for the fiscal year to date.