State now has 15 COVID-19 cases

The state of Kansas now has 15 COVID-19 cases, with today new cases announced in Wyandotte County today.

According to figures from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s website, the total numbers were 11 positives early Monday morning.

Johnson County continues to have the largest number of cases, with 10 recorded, according to the KDHE’s figures.

Wyandotte County has had three cases, and also, Butler County recorded one and Franklin County, one.

The two Wyandotte County cases were hospitalized, and are now released to self-quarantine at home, according to information released earlier this morning.

There were 382 negative test results on Tuesday, with 234 negative test results on Monday, according to the state’s website.

Although there is not necessarily any significance to it, the counties reporting COVID-19 cases are generally along the I-35 corridor.

See earlier story at

KDHE has a website for more information on COVID-19, at

The CDC also has a COVID-19 website at

The Unified Government has a COVID-19 website at