State Finance Council rejects extra $100 a month for unemployed

The State Finance Council rejected Gov. Laura Kelly’s plan for an extra $100 in unemployment benefits on Thursday.

Gov. Kelly presented the plan for $400 in unemployment benefits to the State Finance Council. Under the plan, the federal government would have provided $300 a month, while the state government would have added $100.

Gov. Kelly stated that they would go ahead with the $300 addition to unemployment benefits if the $400 plan failed.

The State Finance Council rejected the plan, stating that they supported a $300 increase. Some Republicans on the council said they wanted the Kansas funds to stay in the system to provide more stability for the future.

Other Republicans on the council said they would like to see Kansas use the extra $100 to pay for more tests for COVID-19, and for having a safe place for Kansas children to be while they are doing virtual learning.

Gov. Kelly issued a statement:

“While we are still hoping the federal government takes action and extends the FPUC program, my administration is committed to using whatever tools are available to help Kansans. I’m disappointed that Republican leaders on the State Finance Council continue to play politics during a public health crisis, instead of supporting the plan that was introduced by President Trump.

“Republican leaders in the Legislature have said they want to help Kansans who are struggling with the impacts of COVID-19, but the first chance they had to do something about it, they voted to make a political point instead of supporting the people of this state who need help.”

House Republicans also issued a statement:

“Republicans today supported a $300 increase to unemployment benefits for Kansans who are suffering from the economic damage of the COVID-19 response. House Republicans are also focused on ensuring our unemployment system is solvent for the duration of this crisis.

“Kansans who have lost a job deserve stability and security right now. They need to know the unemployment safety net isn’t just there for them today but will be there for them in days to come. We must take care of the basics first and give Kansans confidence in our system. While Governor Kelly seems focused on short term bandaids our focus is on a long-term plan to keep our system solvent and help Kansans get back to work.”