State Avenue continues as major roadway

by Murrel Bland
Joe Maderak recalls when State Avenue was a narrow dirt path called New Reidy Road. Today, State Avenue has advanced as a major roadway that continues to be a significant thoroughfare for retail commerce.

Maderak, who was born in Kansas City, Kan., more than 91 years ago, has lived most of his life just a few blocks from 78th Street and State Avenue. He was the founder of Maderak Construction, a masonry contractor. He also was a residential homebuilder and, along with his family, a property owner in the State Avenue Corridor.

Maderak also founded the Business West organization in 1985. Today he continues to serve the voluntary association as a member of its board of directors and as chairman of the State Avenue Corridor Planning and Marketing Committee.

The State Avenue Committee will have its annual meeting at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9, in the building that once housed the Payless Shoe store at 7714 State Ave. All interested persons are urged to attend. Those attending will learn of the progress in the corridor and plans for future growth.

Maderak will tell of the evolution of State Avenue and how recent activity has renewed the interest in commercial property along the corridor. There is development on the western end of State Avenue as the Schlittterbahn water park expands its development efforts to make way for two auto dealerships; other retail announcements are expected soon. Other activity is apparent as the Clifford Dale family clears property just west of Meadowlark Lane.

Business West is leading the effort to establish a community improvement district that would stretch along State Avenue from 94th to 64th streets and 78th Street from State to Riverview avenues. A quarter-cent sales tax would fund the district; its three main functions would center on security, appearance and marketing. Security persons, probably on bicycles, would complement officers from the west patrol and the community police unit. A “clean team” would pick up debris in the right-of-way. A committee of property and business owners would develop a marketing program.

Persons wanting to attend the annual meeting should telephone 913-766-4300 or 913-406-6266 (cell) or e-mail [email protected].

Murrel Bland is the former editor of The Wyandotte West and The Piper Press. He is the executive director of Business West.