State association offers opportunity to move fall sports to spring

As local school districts try to figure out when sports can resume in schools, the Kansas State High School Activities Association offered another alternative on Friday.

The association’s board approved a plan 45-29 that would allow schools that are unable to offer sports during the fall season to move them to the spring.

The option is for those schools that will not be able to play this fall, according to the KSHSAA announcement.

At the same time, those schools with more favorable conditions may continue to practice and play, according to KSHSAA. Only sports that are suspended would be eligible to play in the spring.

Participation in the fall sports moved to spring would be optional, according to KSHSAA.

“I think it’s good to be safe,” said Moses Wyatt Jr., who has coached a number of years in middle school and high school in the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools and now is at Grant Elementary. “I know the students that are seniors want to play, and I get it because it has to do with college. It’s always good to be safe. I’m glad they’re looking to spring sports, so there will be sports.”

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools previously voted to suspend fall KSHSAA sports because of COVID-19. The UG Health Department came out with a rule that would limit fall sports to non-contact sports, with some practices allowed. Sports was discussed at the Unified Government meeting this past Thursday, and local leaders said they plan to have more discussions with health officials and the school districts.

Some colleges, including Kansas City Kansas Community College, also are delaying sports.

Wyatt said he is hoping student athletes will be able to get back to playing sports soon.

For more information on the KSHSAA spring alternative plans, visit