SPLC says man arrested for Jewish Community Center killings is a long-time white supremacist

The Southern Poverty Law Center is reporting that the man arrested in Johnson County for shooting three persons near the Jewish Community Center is a white supremacist and long-time anti-Semite.

According to records from the Johnson County Jail, the man arrested was Frazier Glenn Cross, 73, of Aurora, Mo.

He was booked on charges of premeditated first-degree murder.

He also is known by the name Frazier Glenn Miller and is the former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

He ran the organization in the 1980s, the SPLC reported. He subsequently formed the White Patriot Party, another white supremacist group, according to SPLC.

SPLC reported that Miller is an anti-Semite who posted more than 12,000 comments on an anti-Jewish website.

To view the SPLC website, visit http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2014/04/13/frazier-glenn-miller-longtime-anti-semite-arrested-in-kansas-jewish-community-center-murders/.