SPARK Taskforce committee to hear testimony Monday in KCK

The state’s SPARK Taskforce Executive Committee will meet at 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 15, at the Dr. Burke Technical Education Center, Kansas City Kansas Community College, 6565 State Ave., Room A101.

The committee will gather information and feedback from residents.

SPARK will use the input to prepare proposals for the most effective statewide distribution of federal coronavirus relief funds allocated to Kansas through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of March 2021.

Members of the public may attend. If Kansans would like to submit written testimony to the SPARK Executive Committee, they may send a copy of their testimony to [email protected]. Written testimony will be limited to 500 words maximum.

If attendees would like to provide verbal, in-person testimony, sign-up sheets will be available at the meeting on Monday, Nov. 15. Testimony will be limited to two minutes to allow for as many voices to be heard as possible.

A virtual livestream of the meeting will be shown at