South patrol police station on tonight’s UG Commission agenda

The south patrol police station will be on tonight’s Unified Government Commission meeting agenda.

The UG Commission will meet at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, at City Hall, Commission Chambers, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

Tonight, the commission is expected to consider approval of placing the new south patrol police facility in the 2015 maintenance and improvement scheduled for debt financing. Space for the police tactical unit is not included in this project at this time.

Also on the agenda is an ordinance to issue up to $13 million of sales tax speedway obligation revenue refunding bonds, in the Kansas International Speedway Corp. Project. This is refunding the 1999 Kansas Speedway current interest STAR bonds. Preliminary value savings associated with the refinancing are at $2.1 million.

The UG Commission will consider a resolution to amend the UG housing tax credit procedures and local review criteria of housing tax credit proposals.

The UG Commission also will consider an ordinance to authorize legal proceedings to acquire land for the Metropolitan Avenue and 24th Street project.

Plats have been submitted for The Legends at Village West Fifth Plat at Village West Parkway and Parallel Parkway; and the Villas of Stonebridge replat at 74th and Tauromee.

On the Land Bank agenda are applications for yard extension at 929 Central Ave.; 1213 Gilmore Ave.; 1225 Gilmore Ave.; 1052 Dodson Ave.; 2200 McDowell Lane; 2404 Ball Lane; and 306 S. Valley St.

The UG Commission will hold a closed, executive session at 7 p.m. Oct. 16 in the ninth floor conference room of City Hall to discuss litigation. After the 7:15 p.m. meeting, the UG Commission will go into a closed, executive session on the ninth floor to discuss personnel.