Some Kansas elected officials against Syrian refugee resettlement

Several elected Kansas officials have come out against resettling Syrian refugees in Kansas.

Gov. Sam Brownback and U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., have issued statements against resettlement.

Gov. Brownback issued an executive order directing that no state agency or organization receiving grant money from the state will participate in or assist in the relocation of Syrian refugees in Kansas.

The governor, saying safety is his first priority, stated “We must take immediate action to ensure terrorists do not enter the nation or our state under the guise of refugee resettlement. The recent attacks in Paris coupled with terrorist organizations indicating a desire to attack the United States are stark reminders of the dangers every nation faces.”

On Monday, President Obama said in a news conference that safety and security are his first priorities, and that as nations including America accept more refugees, they do so “only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks.”

“We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves — that’s what they’re fleeing. Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values. Our nations can welcome refugees who are desperately seeking safety and ensure our own security. We can and must do both,” President Obama said.

Today, Rep. Yoder stated he was against an administration plan to bring up to 10,000 Syrian refugees to America in the coming year.

In a letter yesterday to the president, and in a speech today to the House of Representatives, Rep. Yoder demanded that refugees from Syria or any other nation with ties to ISIS be rejected from the United States.

“This proposal places the interest of other nations ahead of the safety and security of the American people. In light of these attacks now is not the time to open our borders to refugees from countries who wish to do our citizens harm,” Rep. Yoder said.