Sheriff’s contest on the ballot Tuesday in Wyandotte County

Incumbent Sheriff Don Ash, left, faces a challenge from Celisha Towers in the general election Nov. 7. Here they were preparing to speak at the Oct. 17 candidate forum at KCKCC. (Staff photo)

A contest between Incumbent Sheriff Don Ash and challenger Celisha Towers, a former Sheriff’s Department employee, is on the ballot for Tuesday’s general election in Wyandotte County.

In the primary, Ash received 49.9 percent of the vote to Towers’ 21.8 percent.

For an earlier story on the sheriff’s contest, visit

For past stories about the election, go to the Wyandotte Daily’s Election 17 pages,

To see a video of the candidate forum for sheriff held Oct. 17 at KCKCC, visit

For voting information, see the website,, or voters may call the election office at 913-573-8500.