‘Shakespeare in Parking Lot’ returns to Alcott Center Saturday

Alcott Arts Center, 180 S. 18th, Kansas City, Kan., will present “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” as part of its Shakespeare in the Parking Lot series Sept. 6-7 and 13-14.

The play will begin at 3 p.m. at the Alcott parking lot.

Admission is $5 plus one nonperishable food item per person.

The Shakespeare productions here started in 2005 with the Wyandotte Players doing “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” directed by Kim Hentges for an Alcott fundraiser. The program is fashioned after New York theater companies’ production of Shakespeare in the Park Lot, and it was well received locally, now in its eighth year.

This year the Shakespearean comedy is directed by Frank Presler. The show will be held outdoors, but in case of rain it will be moved inside the Alcott center. Those attending may bring lawn chairs and blankets.

The cast include Alex Allee, fairy 1; Bailey Allee, fairy 2; Elise Allee, first fairy; Abigail Becker, moth, Joselyn Carolus, snout-wall; Felicity Freeling, Philostrate-Peaseblossom; Madison Drake, fairy 3; Finn Smith-Morris, Starveling; Dakota Garrison, Puck; Heather Hare, Hippolyta; Dave Bennett, Egeus; Jamie Johnson, Starveling-Moonshine; Khalid Johnson, Quince, prologue; Jordan Kaster, Lysander; Kelsey Matthias, Helena; Jen Morris, Titania; John Plunkett, Theseus; Roan Ricker, flute, Thisbe; Eli Purdom, Bottom-Pyramus; Jeffrey Shouse, Demetrius; Chuck Smith, Oberon; London Smith, Cobweb; Liz Swick, Hermia; and Katya Woolard, Snug-Lion.

The inside of the Alcott Arts Center is not ADA accessible. For ticket information, visit http://www.brownpapertickets.com.