Several projects on UG Commission meeting agenda Thursday

Several planning and zoning projects are on the Unified Government Commission agenda for Thursday, Jan. 7.

One project on 98th Street will have 270 multi-family units. The project at 1111 N. 98th St. is asking for a change of zone from agriculture to a planned apartment district for 270 multi-family units. Also, there is a master plan amendment for this same address from entertainment to medium density residential.

Also on the agenda is the approval of a plat of Ruffins Lot at Kansas Avenue and I-635, which is being developed by Phillip G. Ruffin, the former Woodlands owner, who also owns Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and is a part owner with Donald Trump of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

The Homefields project, being built on the Schlitterbahn property near 94th and State Avenue, will be back on the agenda for the passage of an ordinance to issue sales tax special obligation revenue bonds. Although this already passed Dec. 17, it is back on the agenda because the electronic agenda Dec. 17 did not have the updated version of the ordinance.

The adoption of the Central Area Master Plan also is on the agenda.

There is also a 5 p.m. UG Commission special session on Thursday with a COVID-19 update, Convention and Visitors Bureau budget and marketing plan, and casino and Schlitterbahn funds.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda:

• 6600 Thorn Drive, change of zone from single family district to planned heavy industrial district for existing industrial use and construction of a new metal storage building.

• 2909 N. 74th St., home occupation special use permit for arts and crafts production and storage, Teresa Brents.

• 6721 Kansas Ave., special use permit for temporary office trailer, Kirk Marcuson with International Food Products Corp.

• 611 N. 6th St., special use permit for short-term rental – Air BNB above the Epic Clay Studio, CHWC.

• 100 Osage Ave., special use permit for a temporary trailer to take employee temperatures during inclement weather related to COVID-19, Brian Curtin with National Beef.

• 1 Woodswether Road and 1R Woodswether Road, vacation of a street, MWT Bulk Services.

• 4520 and 4600 Shearer Road, preliminary and final plan review for a warehouse for Precision Cutting and Coring.

• 3104 Metropolitan Ave., preliminary and final plan review for fueling station and convenience store, James Koop with JE Real Estate.

• 7340 State Ave., preliminary plan review for Kansas City Kansas Community College student housing project, John Martin with Christie Development Associates.

• 815 Southwest Blvd., ordinance rezoning the property from general industrial district to two-family district.

• 2951 N. 115th St., ordinance rezoning property from agriculture district to single-family district.

• 2025 S. 51st St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to agriculture district.

• 1959 S. 51st St., ordinance rezoning property from single-family district to agriculture district.

• 4811 Parallel Parkway, ordinance rezoning property from limited business district to planned general business district.

• 433 Ann Ave., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of a short-term rental-AirBNB.

• 709 N. 5th St., ordinance for a special use permit to continue short-term rental – AirBNB.

• 2903 Shearer Road, ordinance authorizing special use permit to continue temporary use of land to park a work vehicle.

• 4811 Parallel Parkway, ordinance authorizing special use permit for minor auto repair.

• 419 Armstrong Ave., ordnance authorizing home occupation special use permit for personal training.

• 1030 Orville Ave., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of a day care center.

• 11501 Parallel Parkway, ordinance rezoning property from agriculture distrit to planned apartment district.

• 616 S. Valley St., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of staff parking lot at John Fiske Elementary School.

• 10901 State Ave., ordinance rezoning property from agriculture district to palnned general industrial district.

• 1041 Berger Ave., ordinance vacating an alley.

• 1700 S. 38th St., ordinance authorizing special use permit for the continuation of farm animals, chickens, goats and cows.

• 809 Southwest Blvd., ordinance rezoning property from general industrial district to two-fam mily district.

• 6863 State Ave., change of zone from limited business district to planned commercial district to allow a fourth gas island pump.

• 5115 and 5125 Gibbs Road, change of zone from single-family, limited business and planned limited business districts to garden apartment district for a multi-family development, the Tower View Apartments. Also on the agenda is a master plan amendment to change these addresses from community commercial and low density residential to medium density residential.

• Grant agreement with the University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute for the RADx-UP program related to COVID-19 testing. The grant amount is $187,877 with no matech required.

• A resolution authorizing a survey of land for the Pump Station 15 Abandonment Project at 106th and Georgia.

• A resolution authorizing a survey of land for the 7th and Central intersection improvement project.

• An ordinance amendment concerning the towing or immobilization of motor vehicles from private property and creating a criminal violation for failure to comply with the provisions.

• 2619 N. 123rd St., replat of West Eden Estates, being developed by Bridgette Jobe.

• 139th and Hollingsworth Road, plat of Rottinghaus Addition, being developed by Tom Rottinghaus.

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The agenda is online at