Several development projects on Thursday’s UG Commission agenda

Holliday Drive, Leavenworth Road, and Village East bond plan are among the issues on the May 11 UG agenda.

Several items are on the Unified Government Commission’s agenda for the 7 p.m. May 11 meeting at City Hall, Commission Chambers, lobby level, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The items include:

• A resolution to set a public hearing for the Argentine fast-food project near 18th and Metropolitan. The public hearing would have comments on creation of a community improvement district for the $3.3 million proposal. The proposal would use federal grant funds, TIF, CID and urban gap fund incentives to finance project costs. If approved, the public hearing would be June 15.

• Leavenworth Road project, with underground utilities: A resolution to allow a survey of Leavenworth Road between 38th and 63rd streets, to identify property to be acquired for the project, and to submit an ordinance authorizing use of eminent domain for the road improvement project.

• De-annexation: The exclusion of three parcels of land from the Kansas City, Kansas, boundaries, allowing it later to be annexed by Lake Quivira city, and a portion of Holliday Drive running through those parcels to be excluded. A public hearing would be set on the issue.

• A resolution to set a public hearing for amendments to the Village East STAR bond districts. A public hearing would be held June 15 if this is approved. Two project areas are being considered. These areas are generally east of I-435, between Parallel Parkway and State Avenue, and were formerly part of the Schlitterbahn property.

• Recommendation: An area from 18th Street to I-70, Central Avenue to Grandview Boulevard, would be developed as a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area and submitted to HUD as part of the revised Five-Year Consolidated Plan. This is part of the UG’s SOAR program to reduce blight.

• An application for a $1.5 million Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grant is being submitted to the federal government, in the Sexual Health Adolescent Relationship Program.

• An ordinance would amend and update codes regarding the Tree Board’s duties, trees allowed in the public right-of-way, and insurance requirements for tree tri,mers.

• A resolution would reappoint Katherine Briney as county appraiser.

Several Land Bank items also are on the agenda:
Transfers to Land Bank:
• 1718 S. 17th St. from Board of County Commissioners, request from owner of multiple properties in area
• 7219R Kaw Dr. from UG of WyCo/KCK, transfer for potential sale
• 7239R Kaw Dr. from UG of WyCo/KCK transfer for potential sale

• 1031 Haskell Ave. – Pablo Perez, yard extension
• 268 N. 35th St. – Rosa Jasso, yard extension
• 1936 S. 41st St. – Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1930 S. 41st St. – Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1929 S. 42nd St. – Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1919 S. 42nd St. -Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1931 S. 41st St. – Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1915 S. 41st St. – Greg Bequette, property acquisition
• 1420 Tauromee Ave. – CHWC, Inc., single family construction
The Land Bank Advisory Board voted to forward the applications for final approval.

Transfers from Land Bank:
• 645 Minnesota Ave. to UG
• 655 Minnesota Ave. to UG
• 907 N. 7th St. Tfwy. to UG
• 905 N. 7th St. Tfwy. to UG
Properties transferred from Land Bank to UG for filing of plat.

Donation to Land Bank:

• 3127 Wavery Ave. from Thomas Devick

For more information about the May 11 meeting, the agenda is online at