School board discusses changes from state level

The Kansas City, Kan., school board discussed changes from the state level at its special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 18. (Photo by William Crum)
The Kansas City, Kan., school board discussed changes from the state level at its special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 18. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum

The Kansas City, Kan., Public School board held a special meeting Thursday.

This meeting was held because there were a lot of items that need to be discussed such as the new changes that are handed down the state of Kansas Board of Education.

Other items that were discussed were the possible recruitment of new teachers.

Superintendent Cynthia Lane updated the school board on what is going on within the district. Other issues that were discussed dealt with new policies regarding human resources.

After the special meeting there was a joint meeting with the Kansas City, Kan., Public Library foundation board, so they could get to know one another.