Scenes from Raptor Days 2015 at Wyandotte County Lake Park

Volunteer Bill Whinery, right, with Operation WildLife, talked with children about owls during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Volunteer Bill Whinery, right, with Operation WildLife, talked with children about owls during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

A baby eagle that had recently been rescued by Operation WildLife was at the James P. Davis Hall at Wyandotte County Lake Park Saturday for Raptor Days. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
A baby eagle that had recently been rescued by Operation WildLife was at the James P. Davis Hall at Wyandotte County Lake Park Saturday for Raptor Days. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Visitors to Raptor Days today at Wyandotte County Lake Park saw several different varieties of birds of prey on exhibit from Operation WildLife.

The events were held Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library and the James P. Davis Hall at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, Kan.

A baby eagle that was rescued recently by Operation WildLife was at the Davis Hall today. Other birds on display included owls, falcons, hawks and kestrels.

The event continues Sunday. Raptor Days is free and open to the public; there is no charge. Sponsors include The Schlagle Environmental Library, the Unified Government Parks and Recreation Department, the Board of Public Utilities and Operation WildLife.

Sunday’s schedule:
Jan. 25:
Location: F.L. Schlagle Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park
• Noon – 4 p.m. – Eagle Crafts/Eagle Viewing
Exhibits with live owls, hawks, falcons and other raptors.
Visit with volunteers from Operation Wildlife.
• 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. – Live Bird of Prey Presentations

Location: James P. Davis Hall, Wyandotte County Lake Park
• Noon – 4 p.m. – Exhibits with live owls, hawks, falcons, and other raptors. Visit with volunteers from Operation Wildlife.
• 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. – Live Bird of Prey Presentations

Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, showed visitors a barn owl Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park as part of Raptor Days. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, showed visitors a barn owl Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park as part of Raptor Days. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including owls, were on display Saturday at Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including owls, were on display Saturday at Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Crafts and activities related to birds of prey were part of Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Crafts and activities related to birds of prey were part of Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

The James P. Davis Hall displayed several types of birds of prey during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
The James P. Davis Hall displayed several types of birds of prey during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including falcons, were on display Saturday at Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including falcons, were on display Saturday at Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Lots of Canada geese were visible at Wyandotte County Lake on Saturday, where Raptor Days is taking place. Occasionally an eagle can be seen flying over the park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Lots of Canada geese were visible at Wyandotte County Lake on Saturday, where Raptor Days is taking place. Occasionally an eagle can be seen flying over the park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, described an owl during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, described an owl during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey were on exhibit Saturday during Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey were on exhibit Saturday during Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including kestrels, were on exhibit during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including kestrels, were on exhibit during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including falcons and hawks, were on exhibit Saturday for Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including falcons and hawks, were on exhibit Saturday for Raptor Days at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including kestrels, were on display during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including kestrels, were on display during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Children listened to information about kestrels and other birds of prey at Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Children listened to information about kestrels and other birds of prey at Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, right, talked about an owl during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, right, talked about an owl during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Birds of prey, including owls, were on display during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Birds of prey, including owls, were on display during Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

A screech owl slept a little during the daytime at Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
A screech owl slept a little during the daytime at Raptor Days Saturday at Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, left, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, talked about birds of prey on Saturday at Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, left, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, talked about birds of prey on Saturday at Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, left, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, talked about owls and birds of prey on Saturday at Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, left, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, talked about owls and birds of prey on Saturday at Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, held a vulture during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, held a vulture during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, held a vulture during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bill Whinery, right, a volunteer with Operation WildLife, held a vulture during Raptor Days Saturday at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)

A vulture was on exhibit Saturday during Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park.  The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
A vulture was on exhibit Saturday during Raptor Days at the Schlagle Environmental Library, Wyandotte County Lake Park. The event continues Sunday. (Photo by Steve Rupert)