Scenes from Leavenworth Road Parade

Grand marshals Taylor and Kate Clark waved to the crowd with their daughters. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)

by Brian Turrel

After a year off due to road construction, the Leavenworth Road Parade came back Saturday in full force, with 41 entries, including four marching bands and seven dance troupes, making the march down Leavenworth Road from Washington High School near 72nd Street to Welborn Elementary near 51st.

Hundreds of spectators lined the sides of the road, most clustered around the shopping areas at 61st and 55th Street, as well as the review stand at Casa de Alabanza near 52nd Street.

The day was sunny and unseasonably warm, with highs in the upper 80s. Emergency workers treated at least one onlooker for heat exhaustion.

Hundreds of spectators of all ages lined Leavenworth Road. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Country City Boys Riding Club brought several horses. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Humbled Beats Studio of Dance performed at the review stand. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Washington High School AFJROTC color guard. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The drum major of the Destructive DanZerettes dance group showed off his moves. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Wyandotte High School marching band. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Wyandotte High School marching band. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Students and teachers from Welborn Elementary marched past their new school building. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Dynamic Divas of Kansas City dance group performed at the review stand. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Rosie’s Dance Academy. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Rosie’s Dance Academy performed in front of the review stand. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Washington High School’s drum major showed off some moves as the band approached the review stand. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Sumner Academy marching band. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


District court judge Tony Martinez drove in the parade. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Elite Dancing Divas performed in front of the review stand. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


Harmon High School marching band. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Country City Boys Riding Club brought several horses. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The Country City Boys Riding Club brought several horses. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)


The KCK police motorcycle patrol kept the parade route clear. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)



One thought on “Scenes from Leavenworth Road Parade”

  1. It was nice seeing our community Celebrating Our Diversity!

    Too bad KC’s Local News isn’t as quick to cover the good news as well as the bad…..

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