Saturday events canceled

Note: Before you go, please check with the sponsor of the event to see if there are any changes being made because of the overnight snowfall, or if there are any changes because of COVID.

Update: Third Saturday breakfast canceled Saturday morning

The third Saturday breakfast scheduled for Saturday morning, Jan. 15, has been canceled, according to a social media post by Scott Mackey, the founder of the breakfast.

Mayor Tyrone Garner and State Rep. Tom Burroughs were scheduled to be the guest speakers on Saturday, Jan. 15, at the Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast Forum at Las Islas VIP Sports Bar and Grill, 4929 State Ave.

The program was scheduled to begin around 9 a.m., and people may arrive at 8:15 a.m., but it was canceled earlier on Saturday morning.

For more information, email Scott Mackey at [email protected].

Update: Eagle Days canceled for Saturday, still on for Sunday

Update: Eagle Days canceled for Saturday, still on for Sunday

The annual Eagle Days is canceled for Saturday after snow fell Friday night and Saturday morning in Wyandotte County, according to an announcement from the Board of Public Utilities, one of the sponsors of the event. Eagle Days is still scheduled for Sunday, according to the announcement.

Eagle Days will take place Sunday, Jan. 16, at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road.

The annual event is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Events will take place at the Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Schlagle Library at the lake, and also at the James P. Davis Hall at the lake. There are some changes to the event format this year due to COVID-19 protocols.

The free family-oriented program will provide those who attend with an opportunity to see eagles and birds of prey at each location. There are educational programs in connection with the viewing. Birds of prey from Operation WildLife Rehab Center will be on display.

Hours for Sunday are noon to 4 p.m. Masks will be required.

Spotting scopes will be available outside for birdwatching around the lake. Visitors should bring binoculars and cameras to take advantage of the scenic views and beautiful winter landscapes.

This year, there will be reservations for the live bird presentations, and reservations can be made online at For more information, call 913-295-8250.

Each guest will need a free ticket to view the live birds at both the Schlagle Library and Davis Hall, according to library information. The ticket will allow a 15-minute time slot to take pictures, ask questions and enjoy watching the birds of prey indoors. There will be different bird species at both buildings and those who attend may reserve a time slot at both buildings.

Those who arrive without a reservation ticket will have to wait until there is a vacancy, according to the library information. While they wait, people may participate in crafts, wild bird spotting stations and outdoor activities. Those who attend may re-enter the live bird viewing area more than once during the event as long as there are spots open, according to library information. Eagle Days at Wyandotte County Lake are offered in partnership with Operation WildLife, the Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Schlagle Library; the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities; the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Library; Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools; the Unified Government; and Burroughs Audubon Society of Greater Kansas City.

In addition, all Kansas City, Kansas, Public Libraries had a delayed start of noon Saturday because of the winter weather.

For more information, visit or

To see a flier about Eagle Days, visit

Grinter Place education event postponed until April

The Grinter Place educational program scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 15, has been postponed until April, according to a social media post by the Grinter Place Friends.

The program by Louise Crable, “Plants and Herbs of the Grinter Era,” has been moved to April.

The Grinter Place educational programs take place on the second Saturday of the month. Speakers present a program about the history of the Grinter Place, or topics from the era when the Grinter Place was built, 1857.

The next program is scheduled Saturday, Feb. 12, with Judith Manthe, principal chief, Wyandot Tribe of Kansas.