Same apartment complex on Mill Street catches fire today

Firefighters responded again today to the same apartment complex that caught fire Wednesday on South Mill Street.

Firefighters responded at 6:41 a.m. Thursday to 2025 S. Mill St., a different building in the same apartment complex, for another fire, according to a spokesman for the Kansas City, Kansas, Fire Department.

The second floor started to collapse, so fire crews initially battled the Thursday fire from a defensive strategy, the spokesman stated.

The fire was under control at 7:41 a.m., and firefighters began a process of salvage and overhaul, according to the spokesman. There were no injuries associated with this fire, and its cause will be under investigation, the spokesman stated.

On Wednesday, firefighters were at 2409 S. Mill St., in the same apartment complex, where a three-story vacant residential apartment building was on fire. The building had been boarded up, according to the spokesman.

Firefighters responded to the Wednesday fire at 11:12 a.m., and found heavy smoke and fire upon arrival, according to the spokesman.

Firefighters made entry into the building on Wednesday, but had to evacuate when the back part of the building started to collapse, the spokesman stated. The fire was fought from the defensive mode, from the exterior only.

The spokesman stated that water supply was an issue as a four-inch water main could not supply enough water for adequate and efficient water flow from aerial master streams.

There were no injuries in the Wednesday fire and the cause of the fire is under investigation, the spokesman stated.