Sales tax topic on UG Commission agenda Thursday

Half-cent sales tax options will be discussed at the Thursday, April 28, meeting of the Unified Government Commission.

A presentation, but not a vote, is on the 7 p.m. agenda for the sales tax proposal. At the 5 p.m. special session of the UG Commission, there is another presentation scheduled on potential projects that could be funded by a half-cent sales tax, according to the agenda.

There is also a closed, executive session scheduled at 4 p.m. April 28 on security measures and litigation.

The 7 p.m. UG Commission meeting also includes an update on redistricting, with a proposed timeline, and an update on the UG’s Safe and Welcoming ordinance. No votes are scheduled for these two items.

Also, there will be a code review and updates on commission retreat and training.

In addition, there will be a public hearing on the UG’s solid waste management plan.

There also will be a presentation of the community survey results.

The UG Commission meetings will be in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas, as the UG returns to in-person, along with hybrid-style meetings. The meetings also can be viewed on Zoom.

The 5 p.m. meeting is on Zoom at

The 7 p.m. meeting is on Zoom at

For more information on how to connect to the meetings, see

There also are a number of planning, zoning and other items on the agenda at 7 p.m. These include:

• 800 N. 5th St., change of zone from single-family district to planned apartment district to construct a pickleball court. The location is the former St. Mary’s Church at 5th and Ann, which is being used by the Police Athletic League for a boxing and sports location for youth.

• 1830 Quindaro Blvd., renewal of a special use permit for a car dealership and auto repair, Pete Davis Jr. with Auto Plug LLC.

• 4313 Rainbow Blvd., renewal of a special use permit w for a short-term rental, Joe Heidrick with Cactus Bed Properties LLC.

• 6102 State Ave., special use permit for alcohol sales and live music inside and outside of the building, Tina Alonge with 913 LLC.

• 4420 N. 107th St., renewal of a special use permit to continue to use a modular building with eight classrooms at Piper Middle School, Dr. Jessica Dain, superintendent.

• 401 Kansas Ave., special use permit for an automotive dealership with light repairs, Manuel Gonzalez with Manolo Auto Sales.

• 3801 Lloyd St., vacation of right-of-way, Chris McNutt.

• 1335 Quindaro Blvd., consideration of historic designation of the Immanuel Baptist Church, Shelly Cutchlow with Antioch Baptist Church.

• 428 N. 5th St., an ordinance authorizing a special use permit for continuation of a security business office.

• 8130 Kaw Drive, an ordinance authorizing a special use permit for continuation of a security office trailer.

• 428 N. 5th St., an ordinance rezoning property from single-family to two-family district.

• 1215 Merriam Lane, an ordinance authorizing a special use permit for continuation of a dirt fill.

• 8535 Riverview Ave., an ordinance authorizing a special use permit to allow the continuation of two concrete pits and sampling of a variety of pipes for training.

• 527 Tenny Ave., an ordinance authorizing a special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 10 S. Hallock, 525 Central Ave. and 529 Central Ave., change of zone from single –family and non-retail business districts to planned high-rise apartment district for a 148-unit apartment complex, Mark Moberly with Sunflower Development Group.

• 14140 State Ave., change of zone from planned commercial district to planned general industrial district for a contractor staging area and heavy equipment storage for Remco Demolition.

• 10 S. Hallock and 525 Central Ave., vacation of right-of-way, Mark Moberly with Sunflower Development Group.

• 10 S. Hallock, 525 Central Ave. and 529 Central Ave., Master Plan amendment from urban density to high-rise residential, Mark Moberly with Sunflower Development Group.

• 14140 State Ave., Master Plan amendment from planned commercial to industrial, Remco Demolition LLC.

• Proclamation of Provider Appreciation Day, May 6.

• Proclamation of Arbor Day, April 30.

• Second plat of Homefield Camping World, 98th north of State Avenue, HFS KCK LLC, developer.

• Plat of Little Turkey Creek Addition, 86th south of Kansas Avenue, Matthew Frances, developer.

• Plat of Riverview Estates, 86th and Riverview, Matthew Frances, developer.

• Fifth plat of Schlitterbahn Vacation Village, 98th and south of Parallel Parkway, HFS KCK LLC and SVVI LLC, developers.

• Nomination of Jammie Johnson to the Wyandotte-Leavenworth Area Wide Advisory Council on Aging, submitted by Commissioner Chuck Stites.

• Nomination of Jamey Rodriguez to the Wyandotte-Leavenworth Area Wide Advisory Council on Aging, submitted by Commissioner Angela Markley.

• Nomination of Tim Ryan to the Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District Advisory Board, submitted by Commissioner Melissa Bynum.

Land Bank option applications:

New construction, single-family homes, three homes
• 1 N. 80th Terrace, Darrick and Jamie Shipley.
• 1960 N. 6th St., Gordillo Ramon Hernandez.
• 2007 S. 19th St., Arthur Babick.

New construction, garage
• 909 Ann Ave., Leandro Chavez.