Rotary presents public safety award to KCK police officer

At the recent Rotary public safety presentation were, left to right,  Lt. Col. Terry Zeigler, Officer Chad Shore, Holly Shore (Chad’s wife), Police Chief Ellen Hanson, and KCK Rotary Club President Ken Davis. (Submitted photo)
At the recent Rotary public safety presentation were, left to right, Lt. Col. Terry Zeigler, Officer Chad Shore, Holly Shore (Chad’s wife), Police Chief Ellen Hanson, and KCK Rotary Club President Ken Davis. (Submitted photo)

The Kansas City, Kan., Rotary Club, at its Oct. 21 luncheon, recognized Officer Chad Shore, this year’s Public Safety professional from the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department.

Annually the cub recognizes an outstanding public safety professional from the Police Department. This Kansas City, Kan., Rotary Club program demonstrates and shows the club’s appreciation to the individuals who do so much to protect the community, a spokesman said.

The leadership of the Police Department selects an outstanding individual from the department to receive this award, recognizing the individual’s dedication and service to the community.

According to a Rotary spokesman, Officer Shore is an example of the great men and women in the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department who are working to protect the community.

Officer Shore was introduced by Police Chief Ellen Hanson, who shared highlights of Officer Shore’s career, professionalism and heroism. Lt. Col. Terry Zeigler, Major Tom McMillan and Chad’s wife Holly Shore also accompanied Officer Shore and Chief Hanson at the award presentation.

– Photo and information from Greg Shondell, Rotary Club