Rosedale area plans cleanup on Saturday

More than 75 volunteers are expected to participate in the All-Rosedale Cleanup and Cookout from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at Fisher Park at West 39th Avenue and Fisher Street.

The Rosedale Development Association will be joined by families, student clubs, community and business leaders in the event.

Volunteers plan to meet at 8 a.m. in Fisher Park for supplies, assignments and orientation before going into the neighborhood to take on cleanup projects that residents have recommended over the past month, including graffiti, winter storm brush removal, and large and small litter pickup.

Afterwards, volunteers will gather at Fisher Park for a community cookout and celebration. The cleanup crew with the most volunteers will win a 2018 park party at the Rosedale park of their choosing.

Crew leaders include the family of the men’s dominoes club that gather around Fisher Park picnic tables each Thursday, and Cub Scout den leaders, National Honors Society high school students, and Mike Nichols, a candidate for district court judge.

Several groups have donated time, supplies and equipment, including Hinckley Springs, Green Solutions Tree Service and the Unified Government Operation Brightside.

To get involved in the cleanup effort, contact Kimberly Hunter at 913-677-5097 or [email protected].