Review: Artist exhibit opens at ‘The Gallery’ at KCKCC

Ruthie Ingram’s art exhibit opened Friday at The Gallery at KCKCC. (Photo by Karen Hernandez)
Ruthie Ingram’s art exhibit opened Friday at The Gallery at KCKCC. (Photo by Karen Hernandez)

by Karen Hernandez

The best kept secret in Wyandotte County is a secret no more. There is a community art gallery at Kansas City Kansas Community College. It is known simply as The Gallery.

The Gallery was filled with excitement and activity on Friday, March 6, when artist Ruthie Ingram had an opening reception for her original works of art. There was a steady stream of more than 130 visitors from 4 to 7 pm. that evening, when many of Ruthie Ingram’s family, personal friends and art admirers showed up in support. One of her middle school art teachers surprised her with a dozen roses. The comments heard were: “Astonishing!…Marvelous!…Wonderful!…Amazing!…Lifelike!…Exquisite!… So Real! (or was it ‘Surreal’!)?…So talented!…”

Not to mention how many times it was said, “I cannot draw anything except stick figures!” Many visitors picked their favorites and stood next to them while taking “selfies”—or had a friend take their picture, the old-fashioned way. Many walked around The Gallery saying. “I never knew this was even here!”

The Gallery will be open to the college employees, students and public to view the Ruthie Ingram art exhibit “Drawing you Closer” on Monday-Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. until March 27. Her beautifully framed artworks are for sale, and include art done in pastel, oil and graphite. She has created art that “paints a story” in figures, portraits, still lifes, landscapes and animals, that would add grace to any home or business.

Ruthie Ingram loves to create art. She would love to share it with many more visitors at The Gallery at KCKCC, which is located in the lower level Jewell Building, just past the deli and across from the coffee shop.

See art at its finest by Ruthie Ingram. Discover for yourself the best kept secret in Wyandotte County—The Gallery at KCKCC!

Many thanks to Campus Art Committee members who helped with this opening exhibit in any way: Curtis V. Smith, Barbara Clark-Evans, Rob Crane, and Eva Bett.

Karen Hernandez is a Campus Art Committee member at KCKCC.