Residents step forward to help 96-year-old fix her home

Two Kansas City, Kansas, residents have stepped forward to lead an effort to help get an elderly woman’s home fixed up.

The 96-year-old woman’s electricity had been off for a few weeks at her home on North 81st. A truck driving through her backyard had run into utility lines that were connected to the house, causing the meter to be damaged. The Board of Public Utilities pulled the meter for safety reasons, a spokesman said, to prevent a fire from occurring.

Today, a neighbor who is an electrician started repairs to the home, while there are more repairs scheduled on Monday, when another electrician is scheduled to be there, according to one of the residents who is helping with the effort.

The Kansas City, Kansas, residents who are helping also have scheduled some volunteers to come in and work on the house and yard.

3 thoughts on “Residents step forward to help 96-year-old fix her home”

  1. Fantastic for the Dottes of this city to step up Thank you very much.

  2. The company that owns the truck need to be held responsible for all costs involved. Shame on them! Is there not one person that can follow up on this to make sure it is done and done right.

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