Residents invited to participate in Walk Kansas

by Lori Wuellner

Walk Kansas is quickly approaching so lace up those walking shoes and get ready to move. It all starts on Sunday, March 15, and concludes on Saturday, May 9.

Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will motivate you and others to lead a healthier life by being more active and making better nutrition choices.

How does Walk Kansas work?
Co-workers, family members, friends and neighbors form teams of six people who will track minutes of physical activity and consumption of fruits and veggies during the eight-week challenge. Each team will select a captain who will receive information from members including weekly minutes of activity and amounts of fruits and veggies consumed. This information is added to the online reporting system through K-State Research and Extension. From this you can track your progress as a team and determine if you are meeting your goals.

How do I get involved?
Gather up your team! Registration materials for both the captain and participants will soon be available to download from the following, or you can pick up a packet at the K-State Extension Office, 1216 N. 79th St., 913-299-9300. A $12 registration fee per person is required which includes a T-shirt, kick-off and wrap up celebration. Registrations are due by Monday, March 2, 2015.

What’s new this year?

* Walk Tall, Walk Strong, Walk Kansas will be reflected throughout the newsletters from the state and support materials. Emphasis will be on good posture, strengthening muscle mass and engaging in regular physical activity based on Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
* A new and bolder graphic will be reflected on the t-shirts. The colors for this year are Coral, Sports Grey and Purple. There are samples at the Extension office if you want to check out the exact colors.
* Environment Change Tip — “Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice”. Each newsletter will feature a suggested environment change that participants can make at home or work, or both such as choosing a health buddy and creating a support network, making water your default beverage, reducing food waste, using “point of choice” prompts to help you make a healthful choice (use the stairs, pick a healthy snack, etc.), and more.

What’s next?
* Get together your team of six and “nominate” a captain. Complete all the required paperwork.
* Mark in your calendar-
1) Registrations are due to our office March 2.
2) The Kick-Off will be held at the Extension office on Friday, March 13, from 3:30 to 6:30 at which time T-shirts and other educational incentives will be available.
* Contact me at [email protected] or 299-9300 if you have any questions. If you want to learn more about Walk Kansas? Visit the Walk Kansas home page at

I’m looking forward to Walk Kansas 2015.

Lori Wuellner is with K-State Research and Extension, Wyandotte County, telephone 913-299-9300.