Residents 65 and up urged to get vaccines Thursday or Friday

Wyandotte County residents 65 and older are encouraged to get COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday or Friday at the Unified Government Health Department’s three vaccination sites, according to a spokeswoman.

Right now, any Wyandotte County resident 65 or older or critical workers in Phase 1 or 2 who live in Wyandotte County may walk in and receive a vaccination without an appointment, according to Janell Friesen, Health Department spokeswoman.

On Monday, March 22, there is a possibility of a little bit of a wait at vaccination sites because Phases 3 and 4 of the state’s vaccination plan will open, she said.

While residents age 65 and older can still walk in and get their vaccines next week, Friesen encouraged them to go this week to avoid possible lines. That also applies to certain critical workers listed in Phase 2, such as grocery, meatpacking workers, retail workers and others.

Next week, people with certain underlying health conditions from ages 16 to 64 will be eligible to get a vaccine, she said. Those persons may sign up at the website at or call 3-1-1 for an appointment. After filling out the form, they will be contacted by the Health Department with a time for an appointment. Some could be contacted a few weeks out, she added.

The medical conditions that qualify next week are on the state’s website under Phase 3 and 4 at

Currently, the Health Department has primarily Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines to give, she said. It has received some Johnson and Johnson vaccines that have been used more for people in congregate settings or who may be homebound.

The Health Department has done a small number of mobile vaccinations, but is not able to do many, she said. Mostly, they are providing vaccines at the vaccination sites. The critical workers are going to the vaccination sites, she added.

The type of vaccine people will get will largely depend on what supplies are available and allocated from the state, she said. Whichever vaccine is available to you is a good option when you’re able to be vaccinated, she added.

According to the UG’s vaccine webpage, 19,615 Wyandotte County residents, or 11.9 percent, have received at least one dose of vaccine, and 11,247, or 6.8 percent, have completed their vaccinations.

Wyandotte County isn’t anywhere near herd immunity, and it’s expected to take a little while to get enough people vaccinated, according to Friesen. As the vaccine rollout is accelerating through the state and country, they probably will get closer to the goal sooner than anticipated, she said.

Friesen said it’s fine if a family member who is 65 or older has a relative or caregiver come in with them. Also, there is some limited transportation help for people who need help getting to the sites. All the sites are near bus routes.

The three vaccination sites are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. The sites are at the former Kmart store at 7836 State Ave., the former Best Buy store at 10500 Parallel Parkway and the Kansas National Guard Armory at 100 S. 20th.

Those who walk in to get vaccines should bring an ID and something showing their Wyandotte County address, such as mail. Critical workers also should bring a work badge or a document showing they work in Wyandotte County.

Sen. Moran advocates for vaccines for veterans’ spouses

Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas, said Tuesday morning at the University of Kansas Health System news conference that he is advocating for veterans’ spouses to receive vaccines.

He said he found out that veterans were being offered vaccines, but not their spouses. A number of veterans were declining to be vaccinated because their spouses couldn’t be vaccinated at the same time, he said.

He introduced legislation that would allow the VA to vaccinate spouses and caregivers, as well as veterans. More than 32,000 veterans have been vaccinated through the VA in Kansas, he said.

Sen. Moran also visited vaccination centers, most recently one in Shawnee, Kansas. When he asked people being vaccinated how they felt, they saw it as good, and he didn’t see much fear or concern among those getting the vaccines, he said. Most saw it as a way to get back to normal, to go out to a restaurant or to hold their grandkids, he said.

Sen. Moran’s bill passed the U.S. Senate later on Wednesday. The bill allows the VA to give free COVID-19 vaccinations to veterans’ spouses and caregivers. The bill also asks the Department of Health and Human Services to provide more vaccines to the VA based on the increase needed for spouses. It allows veterans who are not enrolled in the VA’s health care programs, as well as those who are, to receive vaccines. The bill passed the House last week, was changed in the Senate, and the Senate version goes back to the House for approval.

Dr. Steve Stites, chief medical officer at KU Health System, said on the morning media update’s 250th broadcast that they have learned a lot, and it has been one of the most challenging years in his memory. The goal has been to help people stay safe, he said, and they hope to see people through the end of the crisis.

Also, Dr. Dana Hawkinson, medical director of infection prevention and control at KU Health System, remarked that during the past year, it’s been apparent that funding for science and basic scientific research is necessary to stay ahead of any potential pandemics. Labs need to be funded to do experiments and research, he said.

COVID-19 case numbers reported

The University of Kansas Health System reported 11 active COVID-19 patients on Wednesday morning, the same number as Tuesday, according to Dr. Hawkinson. Of the 11 patients, five were in the intensive care unit, an increase of one since Tuesday. Two patients were on ventilators, an increase of one since Tuesday. There were another 18 COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized but are out of the acute infection phase, an increase of three since Tuesday. There is a total 29 patients, an increase of three from Tuesday.

Wyandotte County reported an increase of 15 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, March 17, since Tuesday, for a cumulative 17,923 cases. There was a cumulative total of 278 deaths reported, no change since Tuesday.

The Mid-America Regional Council’s COVID-19 dashboard reported 162,600 cumulative COVID-19 cases on Wednesday. The daily average of new hospitalizations was 71. The number of cumulative deaths was 2,298.

The state of Kansas reported 298,904 cumulative COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, March 17, an increase of 686 cases since Monday. There were a total cumulative 4,837 deaths reported, an increase of two deaths. Kansas reported 894,507 doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been administered in the state as of 9 a.m. March 17, including first and second doses.

The Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard on Wednesday night reported 29,605,933 cases in the United States, with 538,052 total deaths reported nationwide.

COVID-19 tests scheduled Thursday

Free COVID-19 tests will be available from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 18, at Vibrant Health – Argentine location, 1428 S. 32nd St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The tests are through the Wyandotte County Health Equity Task Force. Groceries will be given away to those who get tested, while supplies last. Appointments are not necessary. For more information, see

Another COVID-19 testing site will be at Lowe’s, 6920 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, at 8 a.m. Thursday, March 18. Tests are through WellHealth. Appointments are required, check with the website,, for available appointment times.

Unified Government Health Department COVID-19 testing and vaccine sites are scheduled to be open on Thursday, March 18. The test site at the former Kmart building at 78th and State will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, March 18. Appointments are not needed for COVID-19 tests and vaccinations for those over 65 on Thursday. There is also a UG Health Department location for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations at the former Best Buy store, 10500 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas. A third Health Department site, for vaccinations, is at the Kansas National Guard Armory at 100 S. 20th.

More information is at To see if there is any change to the schedule, visit

The Health Department is offering saliva COVID-19 tests to the public. Tests from the Health Department are free for those who live or work in Wyandotte County.

The tests are open to asymptomatic people as well as those who have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19. Check with the UG Health Department’s Facebook page to see if there have been any changes in the schedule. Bring something that shows that you live or work in Wyandotte County, such as a utility bill.

More residents now can walk in for vaccinations

The UG Health Department is offering COVID-19 vaccines Monday through Friday for Wyandotte County residents who are 65 and older, and also for high-contact critical workers in Phase 2.

Those Wyandotte County residents who are 65 or older, and critical workers in Phase 2, can walk in and do not need an appointment from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday at the vaccination sites at the former Kmart store at 7836 State Ave., the former Best Buy store at 10500 Parallel Parkway and the Kansas National Guard Armory at 100 S. 20th.

Those who walk in to get vaccines should bring an ID and something showing their Wyandotte County address, such as mail. Critical workers should bring a work badge or a document showing they work in Wyandotte County.

Those Wyandotte County residents who are younger than 65, or are not eligible yet, may fill out a form expressing interest in getting a vaccine at or call 3-1-1.

For more information, visit

The Health Department’s general contact page is at Their Facebook page is at

Testing sites are at

Saliva testing is now offered at the UG Health Department. For more information, visit

The new school health order is at

The University of Kansas Health System doctors’ morning media update is online at

The University of Kansas Health System COVID-19 update page is at

A weekly vaccine report for the state of Kansas is at

Wyandotte County is under a mandatory mask and social distancing order.

The UG COVID-19 webpage is at

The KDHE’s COVID-19 webpage is at

The KC Region COVID-19 Hub dashboard is at

The Wyandotte County page on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 website is at

The Johns Hopkins Data in Motion, a presentation on critical COVID-19 data in the past 24 hours, is at