Resident warns against possible fundraising scams in connection with child’s death

Tamika Pledger would like to make sure that any funds being raised for the family of Machole Stewart, a 10-year-old Kansas City, Kan., girl who was killed in a drive-by shooting, will actually get to the family.

She said today that she had heard of people raising funds on the street corner or in stores in Kansas City, Mo., for the family of Machole and another victim, and said these fundraisers may not have been authorized.

In order to prevent scams in the future, Pledger asked anyone who sees people raising funds for Machole to take a photo of them, call the police with the location of the person, and do not give cash.

Those who contribute to various legitimate fundraisers may want to write checks so they have a record of it, and make a note of it in the “memo” portion of the check, she said.

Pledger said that those who want to help the family could give a check to the Ad Hoc Group Against Crime, either toward the reward fund or for the family. They should write that it is for Machole’s family or the reward fund in the “memo” portion of the check, she said. For information about the Ad Hoc Group Against Crime, visit