Rep. Wolfe Moore leads bipartisan legislative effort to stop spread of COVID-19

A new bipartisan effort has been launched by legislators to stop the spread of COVID-19.

State Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore, D-36th Dist., is leading a bipartisan legislative effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Rep. Wolfe Moore and Rep. Susan Concannon, R-Beloit, joined together to lead the effort. So far, 63 legislators from both parties have signed on to a letter urging people to wear masks and socially distance in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, Rep. Wolfe Moore said.

Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore

“We felt that we as a legislative body should unite as Democrats and Republicans and ask people to be the first line of defense against COVID, so our front-line health care workers do not have to be the last line of defense,” Rep. Wolfe Moore said. “Across the state, all kinds of efforts are going on to get the word out.”

The letter reads, in part: “We have reached a tipping point in the battle with COVID-19. If widespread community transmission continues to increase, our hospitals will be unable to meet the health care needs of Kansans across the state. We need people to change their behaviors and act fast to curb the spread because our status quo is not working and the implications are dire.

“This is not a COVID-19 crisis. This is a health care crisis. This holiday season, the greatest kindness you can give to your loved ones is doing your part to preserve their health. Wear your mask; wash your hands; stay home as much as possible; and keep your distance. Lives depend on it,” the letter continued.

“As we enter the winter months, cases continue to rise and without action, this will continue. It is critical we reignite a sense of duty and ownership to do all we can to slow the spread of this virus to protect the health and safety of individuals and their loved ones. While we cannot change the hearts and minds of everyone, we each can take personal responsibility to make changes that will ultimately be lifesaving.

“We are united in our message:

• “While the news about vaccines gives us all hope, we must take steps NOW to bend the curve, curtail widespread community transmission and ultimately decrease hospitalizations so that care is available for all.

• “We support the efforts across our region and Kansas to take additional steps to practice the pillars of infection prevention. We support wearing masks; washing of hands; avoiding large social gatherings; and keeping appropriate social distance. Lives depend on all of us practicing these behaviors.

• “Masking guidelines are a critical step forward in this crisis moment.

• “As your elected officials, we join to double down on our efforts – we know this is hard and you are tired – but it is more important than ever.

• “We need positive responses to these “calls to action” to ensure we have a safe holiday season for ‘ALL.’

“It has been a long and hard 2020 and COVID-19 has affected all of us. As we approach the New Year there is great hope. But we are still months away from turning the corner on this pandemic. We all need to find the will and discipline to finish this fight.

“We the undersigned commit to promoting and practicing the pillars of infection control and doing our part to slow and eventually stop the spread of the virus. We respectfully request you to join us in this fight.

“Let us make this a happy and safe holiday season for all of our families, friends, and neighbors.”

Signing the letter from Wyandotte County were Rep. Wolfe Moore; Rep. Louis Ruiz, D-31st Dist.; Rep. Pam Curtis, D-32nd Dist; Rep. Valdenia Winn, D-34th Dist.; Rep. Broderick Henderson, D-35th Dist.; Rep. Tom Burroughs, D-37th Dist; and Sen. Pat Pettey, D-6th Dist.