Rep. Davids welcomes aid to Wyandotte County to combat coronavirus

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, recently announced that the state Office of Recovery has approved its plan for distribution of funds from the CARES Act, a federal relief bill that Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., supported.

More than $37 million is being allocated throughout the county to combat the impacts of coronavirus – including increased and free testing, contact tracing, and community outreach and education. More than $9 million will also be distributed to local organizations to support nonprofits and small businesses and help residents with rent, utilities, and food assistance.

“People in Kansas and across the county continue to feel the impacts of coronavirus, both on their health and on their economic security. The CARES Act, which I voted for, is one part of helping get them the relief they need,” Rep. Davids said. “Access to free and easy testing is an important step to containing the virus and opening our economy safely and I’m very glad these funds are helping Wyandotte County residents.

“Congress has much more work to do to help this country recover, and I’ll keep advocating for another bipartisan relief package,” Rep. Davids said in a news release. “That has to include widespread and rapid testing, and the production of more personal protective equipment, so we can control this virus to save lives and save our economy. It also has to help people stay afloat as we get the virus under control – including emergency unemployment insurance, paid family leave, and help for state and local governments to avoid severe cuts to our public schools, roads, fire departments, public health agencies, and other essential services Kansans depend on.”

Juliann Van Liew, Wyandotte County Public Health Department director, said: “The CARES funding has been absolutely essential to our COVID-19 response. A significant portion of Wyandotte County’s CARES dollars are going directly to fighting this public health pandemic in the form of free testing, contact tracing, and robust communications. Without these funds, the Unified Government Public Health Department would not be able to respond appropriately to this pandemic, and our community would be at even greater risk.”