Rep. Davids votes for $1.9 trillion stimulus package

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., today voted for the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package that provides $1,400 checks to individuals.

Rep. Davids stated it was an urgently needed package to combat COVID-19 and the economic crisis, and to get relief to Kansans.

The bill passed the Senate last week with minor changes. After House passage today, it then goes to President Biden for a signature. He is expected to sign it on Friday.

“The coronavirus pandemic is continuing to destroy lives and livelihoods across the country. While not a perfect bill, the American Rescue Plan contains many of the measures I’ve pushed for to address this health and economic crisis – including ramping up vaccine and PPE production, putting money directly in the pockets of Kansans, and getting aid to our state and local governments to keep our teachers and firefighters on the payroll. I look forward to President Biden signing this bill into law so we can get much needed relief into the hands of the American people right away,” Rep. Davids said in a news release.

State and local leaders from both sides the aisle issued their support for the transformational relief package, which would provide Kansas with an estimated $1.58 billion to keep teachers, firefighters, and essential workers on the payroll and avoid painful cuts to the services Kansans depend on.

The bill would also mount a national vaccination program, ramp up domestic production of PPE and medical supplies, provide support for workers and small businesses, help Kansas cover the cost of Medicaid expansion, and invest in school re-opening, among other measures.

“This plan isn’t perfect, but it is another critical step toward Kansas’ economic recovery. It provides relief to Kansas families, schools and businesses. It will help us get vaccines into arms quicker. Lastly – it gives us more reasons to expand Medicaid and get 165,000 Kansans access to affordable health care – something we urgently need to do during a global pandemic,” Gov. Laura Kelly said.

“The passage of the American Rescue Plan Act will provide much-needed support to our states and cities, our small businesses and our citizens. This past year has been so difficult for so many, and the KC Chamber believes the relief included in this package, as well as the support from last year’s CARES Act, is critical for our region as we work towards a robust and inclusive recovery for all segments of our economy and citizenry,” said Joe Reardon, president and CEO of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.

“The support from the American Rescue Plan for community health centers will help us expand and improve our response to COVID-19. We will be able to increase vaccination and testing efforts as well as improve our team’s ability to address the underlying health inequities we have seen exacerbated by this pandemic,” said Patrick Sallee, Vibrant Health CEO.

“Our community has been disproportionately impacted by the health, economic, and human consequences of COVID-19. Additional federal assistance is critical, allowing us to continue fighting the pandemic and restoring basic services and programs affected by prolonged revenue losses and economic uncertainty,” said Mayor David Alvey of the Unified Government.