Rep. Davids presides over debate on Equality Act

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., presided over the debate in the U.S. House on Thursday on the Equality Act.

The U.S. House on Thursday passed the Equality Act, legislation banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, with Rep. Sharice Davids presiding over the debate.

The legislation is being compared to other landmark civil rights laws. It adds protections for LGBTQ persons to the federal Civil Rights Act.

Rep. Davids, D-3rd Dist., presided at the Equality Act debate Thursday on the House floor. A supporter of the legislation, she issued this statement:

“Every American should have equal protection under the law – plain and simple. But in the majority of states across the county, including Kansas, it’s still legal to discriminate against LGBTQ+ Americans in housing, education, health care and other core areas of day to day life. The Equality Act would amend existing civil rights laws to bar discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, helping to ensure that all LGBTQ+ Americans can enjoy their most basic human rights no matter where they live, work, or go to school.

“I’m proud that many cities in the 3rd District have passed non-discrimination ordinances – but it’s time that we put uniform protections in every city across America so there is clarity and consistency in the law. Because while I can be the representative for Kansas’ 3rd District in the U.S. Congress, I can also be turned away for housing or health care in the state that I represent. It’s unacceptable for anyone to have to deal with that discrimination.”

“I truly believe this is the kind of legislation that can save lives – that will send a message to LGBTQ+ youth that their experience is valid and that they are seen and heard by their elected officials. We have the opportunity right now to finally get the Equality Act signed into law, and we shouldn’t waste any time getting it done. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to pass this bill and get it to President Biden’s desk right away.”