Rep. Davids helped secure additional funding for small businesses and hospitals

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd DIst., helped secure additional funding for small businesses, hospitals, health care workers and COVID-19 testing, voting for the “The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act” Thursday.

Rep. Davids has advocated for increased funding for small businesses in the Paycheck Protection Program since before it was rolled out.

“In these unprecedented times, Kansas small business owners need help to pay their workers and keep their businesses afloat. I’ve been pushing Congress to quickly get more resources into these small business relief programs, and I’m glad that we were able to pass a bipartisan bill today to do just that. This bill will also provide vital funding for our hospitals, health care workers and COVID-19 testing, all of which are critical to preventing the spread of this virus and getting Americans safely get back to work. We still have much more work to do to protect the health, safety and financial security of the people in this country and I’ll keep working to help Kansans get through these trying times.” Rep. Davids said.

During a House Small Business Committee hearing Thursday, Rep. Davids highlighted the challenges faced by small businesses and workers in the Kansas Third and the need to build upon this bill.
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She also announced her support for bipartisan legislation to further extend the Paycheck Protection Program by providing an additional $900 billion in funding.

Among other measures, the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act provides:

• For small businesses: Strengthens the Paycheck Protection Program with $310 billion in additional funding, with $30 billion reserved for community-based lenders, small banks and credit unions and $30 billion for medium-sized banks and credit unions.
• For hospitals and health care workers: Secures $75 billion to provide resources to the frontlines, including Personal Protective Equipment.
• For all Americans: Provides $25 billion for testing, which is the key to stopping the spread of this virus and moving towards reopening the economy.