Renaissance Festival continues through next week

Knights participated in a joust Sunday at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival. The festival continues today, Columbus Day, in Bonner Springs. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)

by Brian Turrel

The Kansas City Renaissance Festival took place this weekend on the grounds near the National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame, 126th and State Avenue, in Bonner Springs, Kan. The festival continues Monday, Oct. 9.

The festival is held on weekends. Next weekend will be the finale for the year. For more information about hours, visit

Photos copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel

Tricks of the Light performed a fire show outside the gates as the festival closed for the day. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)
Bob the Incredible Juggler juggled four clubs in response to a request from an old friend in the audience. (Photo copyright 2017 by Peter R. Turrel)
Stephanie Williams, drummer for rock group Katy Guillen & The Girls, winced as Bob used a whip to snap a stick she held in her teeth. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)
Knights showed off their jousting skills before the contest. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)
Knights showed off their jousting skills before the contest. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)
Knights participated in a joust. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)
This contestant rang the bell in the test of strength. (Photo copyright 2017 by Brian Turrel)