Red Kettle campaign draws to close

With two days left before The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign comes to a close for another season, the organization is hoping for one final push to help make its goal.

“We are still $400,000 from our kettle goal of $1.5 millon,” said Major Evie Diaz, divisional commander of The Salvation Army in Kansas City, Mo. “The community has been extremely generous but we are still behind and are hopeful that these final few days before Christmas will make up the difference.”

The Salvation Army is reporting lagging donations all across the country due to a shorter bell ringing season this year. In Kansas City, an offer from an anonymous donor to match up to $200,000 in online and kettle donations began last Friday and goes through Christmas Eve.

The Salvation Army’ s Red Kettle Campaign is the organization’s largest fundraiser and helps to fund programs for the needy all year long. To make a donation online and have your donation matched, go to Red Kettle donations can be made through Christmas Eve at more than 250 locations around the Kansas City area.