Reardon named president of GKC Chamber of Commerce

Joe Reardon (File photo)
Joe Reardon (File photo)

Former Kansas City, Kan., Mayor Joe Reardon was named the new president and CEO of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, according to an announcement made on Wednesday.

Reardon was president and CEO of the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority prior to the announcement.

Jim Heeter, GKC Chamber president, announced his retirement earlier this year.

In a news release, GKC Chamber chair Terry Bassham stated, “We at the KC Chamber are very excited to have Joe Reardon as our new CEO. Joe’s proven leadership, strategic skills, and commitment to regional Kansas City will help guide the Chamber’s continued and future success.

“We were very impressed with the deep pool of diverse and experienced talent that applied for the position,” Bassham added. “We thank Jim Heeter for his leadership these past six years, and for his assistance during this transition period.”

“I couldn’t be happier with the selection of Joe Reardon to lead the Chamber,” Heeter said of his successor. “I think he is an exceptional choice. His established record as a leader combined with his regional perspective will make him an outstanding servant leader for the Chamber and our greater Kansas City community.”

In the news release, Reardon said, “My work at the KCATA as well as my roles in private law practice and as the former Mayor-CEO of the Unified Government has solidified for me the belief that our region is poised to continue achieving the success we’ve experienced in recent years. Kansas City stands at a truly significant moment in time as our reputation as a place for innovation and business creativity has reached new heights.

“We’re making news for all the right reasons, providing the platform for us to form bonds across the region that position Kansas City as a great place to do business with an amazing quality of life. Creating and maintaining a coordinated vision and strategy that grows all of Kansas City will make us even more competitive with other regions here in the US, and around the world.”

Reardon continued, “The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce has always been the place to bring together business leaders to set an agenda that makes Kansas City a great place to do business. I am excited to work on developing a platform that will knit the region together and closely align us in the common purpose of making our region a truly world-class place for doing business with a truly unique quality of life.

“Our geographic, jurisdictional, or even political lines should not stand in the way of our community becoming one of the most competitive in the nation, with our economic vitality and growth propelling us further every day. We can and must do better, with the key being to align ourselves together and with a common purpose.

“This is a tremendous opportunity and I appreciate the support that has been given to me by Terry Bassham, the entire board directors of the chamber, and other community leaders,” Reardon said. “I am a believer that success is closely tied to a strong team and we certainly have one in the members of the Chamber board. I look forward to working with all of them to continue to enhance the economic vitality of Kansas City as we make the region one of the best to do business in the U.S.”

Reardon will remain with KCATA as transition occurs and to complete critical initiatives. It is anticipated that he will start his position during the first quarter of next year.

KCATA Board Chairman Robbie Makinen stated, “The Greater Kansas City Chamber has made an excellent choice in selecting Joe Reardon. He remains a leader in bringing the greater community together to tackle regional issues. With Joe’s recent leadership and work at the KCATA, we know that public transportation and the benefits it provides will continue to be a priority for the region.”

Reardon served as mayor-CEO of the Unified Government from 2005 until 2013. Among his achievements while in office: he led the successful effort to bring Google high-speed fiber to his community in a competition that included more than 1100 cities across the nation; Sporting Park Soccer Stadium opened as the state-of-the-art home of Sporting Kansas City; and Cerner Corp. announced it was bringing 4000 new jobs to a new campus in the Village West area.

Reardon is a graduate of Rockhurst University and the University of Kansas Law School. Prior to his term as Mayor-CEO of the Unified Government, Reardon practiced law with the KCK firm McAnany Van Cleave and Phillips P.A.

The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization that represents more than 2,200 businesses and their 300,000 employees across 13 counties in the Greater Kansas City region. Our mission is to provide leadership to help business grow and Kansas City prosper, making KC the best place to live, work, start a business, and grow a business. Established in 1887, the chamber focuses on three key areas that benefit members: growing the region’s economy, advocating businesses’ interests in the public policy arena, and providing innovative programs and resources that help grow our members’ businesses.