Questionnaire: Tyrone Garner

Tyrone Garner

Name and office sought: Tyrone A. Garner, U.G. of WYCO KCK Mayor – CEO

Age: 52

Occupation and experience: Public Service, over 32 years

Education: Master’s Degree in Human Resources

Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong:

Reasons for running:
Issues involving investing in the disinvested, fair taxes, streamlining government, public safety reforms, transparent strategic COVID-19 recovery plan, engaged community driven leadership, jobs that pay a livable wage to WYCO residents.

What are the three most important issues facing this position and how would you handle them?

Engaged Leadership – Improve communication, engagement, education, and transparency to the public with enhanced access to the Mayor, increased town halls, listening tours and meeting residents where they are.
Investing in the disinvested – Working with stakeholders, we will seek systems changes in staff administration that will involve a top-down audit of the U.G and BPU as a means to streamline government, stamp out fraud, waste and abuse, with an emphasis of locating and removing bureaucracy, as well as finding real tax relief. Collaborating with stakeholders to revitalize disinvested neighborhoods with the goal of anchoring people in WYCO, as well as embracing responsible developments that will deliver livable wage jobs; a commitment to promoting small businesses and entrepreneurs is key, with a focus on the equitable delivery of goods and services to the people places and programs where investments are needed most.
Public Safety Reforms – Working with stakeholders to ensure that public safety is appropriately funded, better reflects the communities values, equitably staffed, and provided the resources necessary to keep WYCO safe.

If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office. If you are not an incumbent, what would you change if elected?
Bring community driven leadership to the office – ensuring that the reasonable expectations of residents is better reflected in the delivery of goods and services, increased engagement in all four corners of WYCO, build a network for improved communication with stakeholder and elected officials, a commitment to bring WYCO together in unity, enhance transparency and improved access to the office.

Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?
Yes, 11-7-17, elected KCKCC Board of Trustees.

Garner’s campaign website is at

One thought on “Questionnaire: Tyrone Garner”

  1. I would like to hear more on working with ICE on handling of immigration within the county.

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