Questionnaire from Landon Griffith, Republican candidate for Kansas House, 31st District

Name and office sought

  • Landon Griffith for the Kansas House, 31st District


  • 29

Occupation and experience

  • I am an Account Manager at World Fuel Services in our aviation division and have been with the company for eight years.


  • University of Kansas, MBA
  • University of Michigan, BA

Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong:

  • Old Mission United Methodist Church
  • Spring Valley Neighborhood Association

Reasons for running:

  • Wyandotte County is a wonderful home with still so much potential. However, we are not well represented in the State House. The 31st district has suffered from atrocious and shocking gun violence, but the state has done almost nothing. We need to ensure that we have strong voices advocating for our interests in both parties, making sure we are never ignored.

What are the three most important issues facing this district and how would you handle them?

  • The first issue, as mentioned, is addressing the gun violence. There’s no single solution, but we can learn from the many other communities that have effectively reduced their violent crime through a combination of resources, coordination and intelligence. As Representative for the 31st district, I will ensure the state is stepping up to provide and support.
  • Second, tackling our taxes. As our property values rise, there is a real risk of our tax rates pushing community members out. Across the state line in 2019, our Missouri neighbors saw their values rise drastically, sometimes in the hundreds of percent. Single party rule allows for foolish and greedy policy to win out, because there is no one pushing back. As Representative for the 31st, I will always be a loud voice for sensible tax policy, that sees our base widened, our rates responsibly reduced as time allows, and no member of our community priced out of their home. Taxes affect more than just homeowners and Kansas has our infamous grocery tax. This regressive tax affects every member of our community, but our lowest income residents suffer the most. It’s also a disadvantage to our businesses, particularly in a “border” district like the 31st. As Representative, I will fight to immediately lower the grocery tax to match Missouri’s. With time to adjust our revenue sources, I would push to phase it out within three years completely.
  • Finally, ensuring effective representation for our district. Our incumbent has been in office for 8 terms and is running again. He’s had time to fix the issues I’ve mentioned, none of which are new. Things have not changed. He has proven, with his record, to have few legislative priorities and is unable to pass what little he appears to be passionate about. This office is important, it needs more than a frequently absent rubber stamp for the minority party. Effective representation is the first step to everything else, to protecting what we love, providing the policies that will allow our neighborhoods to flourish and attracting the investments our communities could use.

If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office. If you are not an incumbent, what would you change if elected?

  • As a member of the majority party within the state house, I will immediately ensure that our needs are taken seriously and prioritized. As a Republican in Wyandotte County, I will provide a strong independent voice amongst our officeholders. As a committed and energetic public servant, I promise to host regular community meetings. You will see far more of me around the Rosedale, Argentine, Shawnee Heights and Turner than our incumbent during his last 16 years.

Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?

  • First run.