Office sought: Mayor
My name is Daran Duffy. I am a servant of Jesus Christ. I confess I do not have any experience in oppressing an entire county of people.
The corruption that has plagued the BPU and the UG for years is no longer hidden under a cloud of uncertainty. The bureaucrats and politicians are literally flaunting their disregard for me and my fellow Dottes. I am grieved by what I am witnessing. Evil prevails when good men do nothing; this is why I am running for office.
The biggest issue facing the mayor’s office and the UG is the complete lack of trust from the people. I would encourage my fellow Dottes to vote out all of the incumbents in this election cycle. If we keep doing what we’ve done, we’ll keep getting what we’ve got.
My intended actions:
- I will immediately advocate to halt all special interest efforts to entice tourism to the county. My fellow Dottes need drivable roads county wide, not a bridge to nowhere. My fellow Dottes need and want activities for our own families like community pools, not a glorified baseball camp for tourists. Our money needs to work for our interests first.
- Speaking of our money, I will advocate for lowering the mill levy and a full, transparent, independent audit of the BPU.
- As far as special interest projects and job creation are concerned, I welcome private investors and small businesses. This is how communities develop and last! I love it when people are dedicated to their dreams and are willing to work to see them through.
I am not a politician. I am just a person who loves Jesus and people. I want to see our Wyandotte community free to thrive.
The candidate’s Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/daregreatly2021. His website is at https://duffyformayor.com/.