Public hearing on UG’s solid waste management plan to be held tonight

A public hearing on the Unified Government’s proposed solid waste management plan will be held tonight, according to a UG committee agenda.

The public hearing will be held during the 5 p.m. April 25 meeting of the UG Public Works and Safety Committee.

According to the UG agenda, the state requires the UG to have a review of the solid waste management plan and update it every five years. A public hearing is part of the process.

The plan is included in the Public Works committee agenda at

The plan also is online at

The UG Administration and Human Services Committee meeting scheduled for April 25 has been canceled because of a lack of items, according to an agenda note.

The Public Works Committee meeting will be on Zoom at

The passcode is 904089.

To connect by telephone, dial 888-475-4499 toll free or 877-853-5257 toll free.

The webinar ID number is 854 6374 2723.

The public also may view the meeting in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 515, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.