Public hearing on UG budget to be held Thursday

A public hearing on the 2020 budget process and the 2019 Community Development budget is planned at the 7 p.m. meeting Thursday, March 7, at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

During the public hearing, residents may make comments on budget priorities, initiatives and how they would like the UG to spend its money. The budget will come to a final vote in the summer.

Residents also may fill out a budget initiative form online at, and submit it before noon April 5. The form will allow residents to state programs they would like to have funded by the UG.

Also on the UG agenda at 7 p.m. March 7 are the Kaw River Bank Turkey Creek stabilization project; refinancing of the prior Indian Springs bonds; and setting a public hearing date of April 11 for the downtown grocery redevelopment plan.

Items on the 7 p.m. March 7 agenda include:
• Presentation of Police Department awards.
• The annual State of the Court address by Administrative Judge Maurice Ryan, Judge Brandelyn Nichols-Brajkovic and Court Administrator Crystal Sprague of the Municipal Court.
• Appointing a Municipal Court judge for the remainder of Judge Brandy Nichols-Brajkovic’s term.
• Setting maximum speed limit of 25 mph in any residential district, 20 mph in parks, and other speed limits in the community.
• An agreement with the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools to share student information in the OK program with the police department.
• Acquiring property through eminent domain for the Lombardy Drive sewer improvement project at 22nd and Lombardy drive. A failing sewer main will be relocated.
• An agreement with Fire District 1 of Leavenworth County for automatic aid in emergencies.
• An ordinance requiring fireworks stands and locations to have four fire extinguishers, to have products delivered directly to the stand and to require inventory lists of items on the premises.
• An amendment allowing the fire marshal to enforce violations of the prohibition on open burning.
• An amendment to use the language of the 2018 International Fire Code on recordkeeping for fire alarm systems and fire suppression systems.
• Resolutions that would allow $10 million to be spent on the Kaw River Bank Stabilization at Turkey Creek project, with general obligation bonds or temporary notes issued to finance it. A resolution authorizing sale of general obligation temporary notes to fund $7.5 million of project costs for the project. Earlier, $2.5 million was authorized for the project.
• Refinancing old Indian Springs bonds: A home rule ordinance authorizing general obligation economic development bonds to fund land acquisition and demolition of the Indian Springs site, and authorizing refunding a portion or all of the prior series of bonds for this purpose for interest savings.
• A resolution to set a public hearing date of 7 p.m. April 11 for the redevelopment project plan for the downtown grocery redevelopment district.
• Land Bank items.

At the 5 p.m. meeting:
A special meeting of the UG Commission will begin at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 7, in the fifth floor conference room at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas. A presentation on S.O.A.R. year-end and 2019 goals is planned.
Then the UG Commission plans to recess and convene as the Board of Health for a presentation on the Board of Health.

The agendas are online at