Public hearing on UG budget scheduled Thursday

A public hearing is scheduled on the Unified Government budget at the UG Commission meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

At the hearing on the revised 2017 and proposed 2018 budgets, the public will have the opportunity to make comments on budget priorities and initiatives, according to agenda information.

There also will be an opportunity to comment on the 2017-2018 Community Development budget. Another Community Development public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 6, according to the agenda.

Also on Thursday’s agenda is a Quindaro historic preservation grant application. The UG would be a partner in submitting an application, with the Freedoms Frontier National Heritage Area, to the Kansas Historic Preservation Grant Fund. If approved, the grant funds would hire a consultant and research firm in order to begin a local initiative to qualify the area for national historic landmark status with the National Parks Service, according to the agenda.

Several Land Bank items also are on the agenda, along with other items.

There is also a special meeting that was scheduled for 5 p.m. on the fifth floor of City Hall. A financial forecast is the topic of the 5 p.m. meeting. According to a meeting notice, the UG Commission will go into a closed, executive session to discuss litigation property acquisition after the 5 p.m. meeting.

The UG has a form online for nonprofit organizations seeking funds at