Providence offers free smoking cessation classes

According to the American Cancer Society, tobacco use accounts for at least 30 percent of all cancer deaths, causing 87 percent of lung cancer deaths in men, and 70 percent of lung cancer deaths in women.

“The best prevention for lung cancer is to stop smoking,” said Lara Whetstone, exercise physiologist – STS data manager.

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on smoking stated people who quit, regardless of age, live longer than people who continue to smoke. As smokers decided to buy their second pack of cigarettes, just like the smoking adverts try to do, it may be best to consider what smoking can do to you and your future. Apart from the obvious health concerns, when it eventually comes to finding life insurance, you will find that you won’t be paying the same amount as a person who recently gave up smoking. This is because smoking has a number of risks associated, so you are paying more to cover all this. If you quit smoking, your policies will decrease. This is why sites like exist. Not many people know this, but once they do, we hope this has been another step forward when it comes to giving up smoking.

Many people have began to start vaping as a way to help them stop smoking. Vaping is also better for their health, with vaping products, like vapors, vape pens, and vape carts, becoming more and more popular with those who are interested in cutting back on their smoking. If this is something that you are interested in you can check out vaporisaattori. Smokers who quit before age 50 reduce their risk of dying in the next 15 years by half, compared to those who continue to smoke. And, those who stop smoking lower their risks for other major diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

Providence offers the community free smoking cessation classes that focus on why individuals smoke, methods to quit smoking and how to successfully stop. The series of four classes is available on the hospital campus in the Cardiac Rehabilitation department. The next session will be held Mondays and Wednesdays, Jan. 20, 22, 27 and 29. To register for this free class, call 913-596-4950.