Police to begin towing vehicles with expired tags more than 45 days past due on May 1

Beginning on Saturday, May 1, the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department will begin towing any vehicles displaying tags that are more than 45 days past their renewal date.

Last March, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 20-66, extending the deadline for vehicle renewals and new vehicle registrations. An additional extension in September specified that all vehicle renewals and new registrations needed to be completed by Dec. 31, 2020.

“The Kansas City, Kansas Police Department understands that while the extensions were very helpful, they may have caused some confusion for members of our community,” Major Kelly Herron, assistant chief, said in a news release Friday. “For that reason, we made the decision to delay towing orders in Kansas City, Kansas, until May 1 to allow us time to educate the community on the consequences of expired tags.”

After May 1, officers with the KCKPD can, and will cite any individual driving a vehicle with tags whose renewal or registration is 45 days past due and order its immediate towing, according to police.

Additionally, any vehicle parked on a city street with tags or registration 45 days past due, will also be subject to immediate towing.

Owners are then responsible for all fees associated with towing ($125) and storage of the vehicle ($35 a day), a police spokesman stated. Vehicles will only be released once owners present proof of current registration to the towing company.

“Delaying renewal or registration any longer means you could end up with a hefty bill as fees add up quickly,” Herron said. “We really hate to see that happen, but we are well past the governor’s deadline and still have many vehicles out there driving around with tags that are more than six months past due, and equally concerning, without proper insurance. So our plea to the community is act now so that we don’t have to tow you later – nobody wants that.”

Below are the ways in which tags may currently be renewed:
• on your cell phone with the myWYCO app.
• online at mywyco.wycokck.org.
• by placing renewal documents and payment in the drop-off box located outside the Wyandotte County Annex, 8200 State Ave.
• by mailing renewal documents and payment to 710 N 7th St., Suite
240, Kansas City, KS 66101.

If mailing, be sure to include a copy of insurance and note your license plate number in the check notation

To determine if you can drop off or mail in titling on a new vehicle, complete the online eligibility form at wycokck.org/Auto. If eligible you need to send the original signed title, copy of insurance, copy of your valid driver’s license and the vehicle inspection certificate (if purchased outside Kansas). Additional documentation may be required.

For more information, or if you have questions, visit wycokck.org/Auto or email the Wyandotte County Treasurer’s Office at [email protected] with questions.

7 thoughts on “Police to begin towing vehicles with expired tags more than 45 days past due on May 1”

  1. How they finally open the department back up to the public so we can do our business instead of failure it has been. It is not always possible to pay it on line!

  2. Exactly!!! I have called the tax office a minimum of 60 times over the last year and have YET to speak to a representative!!! Hold times are ridiculous! After sitting on hold for over 45 minutes each time… I give up! My times is valuable! You CAN open safely with masks and distancing! Open in person services up so we can get our business taken care of!

  3. it appears that taking care of business for new titles using ug suggestions for doing so does present problems for some. believe it or not there are people who are not able or capable of downloading an apt on a phone along with there being people who are not computer savvy enough to look up instructions on a computer for new title work – intimidating/lack of confidence are the words that describe best.
    If i know the storage lots/auto salvage like i think i know them from past experiences they don’t care even though they are not in the wrong either.

  4. This is ridiculous. My tags expired the end of June. I tried walking into the annex at the end of May and was not allowed. I called the department for 3 days and couldnt get thru. Never even got a recording or anything. I sent an email with a list of questions several days and after a week finally got a response answering 1 of the questions telling me to do my registration online with the app. However, since I was transferring registration from Leavenworth County to Wyandotte County, I couldnt use the app. After several more failed attempts calling and and a few more emails, they finally responded that I would have to mail it in or put it in the dropbox. They didnt bother answering the other questions so I had to try and call again to no avail and then send another email with the questions. Again, they answered only part of the questions. I had to play email tag for 3 weeks and then finally my wife was able to get thru to them on the phone. They gave her some more missing pieces to the puzzle but not all. Again, I had to email them to find out who to make the check out too.

    Mind you, my expiration date is fast approaching because of all the non-sense. I gather all the information they said they wanted or needed, included by check for the amount THEY told me and dropped it all off in the dropbox on June 24th. Its now July 19th, the check still hasnt been processed. I still dont have my tags. I still havent heard squat from them. Still cant get thru to them on the phone and they arent even responding to my emails anymore.

    This is ridiculous. The current system is a joke. The process is a joke. The website is a joke as far as answers are concerned or information. The only thing that ISNT a joke is the $$$$ I am going to have to shell out if I get pulled over for driving with expired tags. My wife is in a wheelchair. I am not working. We are both elderly. We have used delivery services for everything that we could but I know there will be a time when I have to drive, risking a ticket and possibly more.

    No one should have to endure this form of bureaucracy especially in a system that is forced upon them.

    I hope they get their stuff together soon.

  5. I dealt with this ‘ancient’ system last year during the summer. I turned in a plate after getting instructions from them. That was in April. I expected to get most of my money returned after using the tag for only 2 months. But by the time I dealt with the UG, it was January 21 before I received only 45 % of my money back. Their answer was ‘that is due to the time it took to process the request’! It was their fault and no one cared. Need a better process for this out dated system

  6. As I understand it, the UG / KCK is now opening its’ own tow yard.
    So perhaps you can pay them again, when you pick up your towed vehicles?

  7. For the 8200 State Ave. location the telephone number is {913} 573-8400. You wait, and possibly wait some more, then someone answers. Be ready with your inquiry and make it understandable. Then you will be given an appointment date and time – it may very well be six weeks away before you can be helped appointment wise speaking. Sure, there are some incompetence/ineptness issues there with the UG. My example was sending explicit instructions for a replacement handicap placard for a parent – it’s been well over two years since then and yes, I still have to push a wheel chair from a farther out location to this day – good exercise for me, I guess.

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