Police schedule community Peace Walk on Saturday

A Peace Walk has been scheduled at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 26, at 5th and Washington.

Members of the Kansas City, Kansas, community are invited to walk side-by-side with police officers Saturday in support of the effort to unite police and residents in crime reduction initiatives.

The walk will head north to 5th and Parallel, and will end at Mt. Zion Baptist Church.

“A strong police and community relationship is essential to reducing crime,” Kansas City, Kansas, Police Chief Karl Oakman said. “The community Peace Walk with KCK Police is a positive way to kick off our spring and summer crime reduction initiatives.”

Chief Oakman plans to announce a number of new department initiatives designed to build stronger community T.I.E.S. (Transparency/Integrity/Engagement/Safety) and in doing so help reduce crime such as the establishment of a Junior Police Academy, Summer Cadet Program and data-driven, quarterly violence-reduction action plans, according to a spokesman.

The department is focusing on positive community engagement programs, crime-reduction initiatives and working with the community to implement best practices in police reform.