Police notes

Aggravated robbery reported
A suspect displayed a handgun and demanded money in an aggravated robbery reported at 6:59 p.m. Nov. 22 in the 10900 block of Parallel Parkway, according to a social media post by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.
According to the police social media post, the clerk complied and the suspect fled. There were no injuries.

Shots fired at house on North 5th
Shots reportedly were fired at a house in the 300 block of North 5th Street at 2:30 a.m. Nov. 23, according to a social media post by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.
Officers went to the scene, where a witness said persons in two vehicles were shooting at each other. A gutter on the house was hit by gunfire, according to the report. No injuries were reported.