Police, firefighters receive awards for bravery

Eighteen police officers and firefighters received awards for their bravery at Thursday night’s Unified Government Commission meeting.

At this ceremony, several firefighters were included in the police awards for the first time.

“Heroes don’t run from danger, they run toward it, and that’s exactly what you did,” said Major Curtis Nicholson, who presented the awards.

Four police officers received an award for valor for responding to the Hollywood Casino to assist on May 9 when Detective Brad Lancaster was shot and killed by a suspect outside the casino. The suspect was captured in Missouri. Two of the officers receiving awards were from the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department and two were from the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department.

Four police officers received awards for valor for assisting with the July 19 case in which Capt. Robert David Melton was killed by a suspect. A suspect was taken into custody by the officers.

Nine Kansas City, Kan., firefighters were presented with awards for valor for coming to the assistance of Detective Lancaster, putting their own lives in danger.

Capt. Melton’s family accepted the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department award of valor on behalf of Capt. Melton.

The Melton family also accepted the medal of honor from the American Police Hall of Fame on behalf of Capt. Melton. His name will be etched in the Police Hall of Fame memorial.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police gave the tribute award to Capt. Melton, and it was accepted by his family. His name was engraved on the IACP’s law enforcement tribute. “May this tribute serve as a reminder that Capt. Robert Dave Melton will never be forgotten,” Police Chief Terry Zeigler said.

“Losing Detective Lancaster and Capt. Melton this year has been difficult on our department,” Zeigler said. “But we appreciate the outpouring of support from our community, the entire metro area and from our law enforcement family. It’s because of the support we received from you that made it a little bit easier. We still have a long ways to go, and we do appreciate the outpouring of support that we have received today.”