Piper results

Piper High School – track at Ottawa

– Boys took 3rd place and girls took 4th place as a team

– 1st place: T. Davis (100m/200m), D. Saunders (200m), Boys 4x100m (Jones, Owens, Hooks, Saunders), Boys 4x400m (Saunders, Bah, Stacer, Pahls)

– 2nd place: Saunders (100m), Richardson (300m H), Hooks (triple jump), Ortiz (discus), Girls 4x100m (Webb, Morrow, Erwin, Davis), Girls 4x400m (Erwin, Morrow, Wayne, Wayne), Boys 4x800m (Lecther, Stacer, McCollum, Schneider)

Jonathan Ortiz broke the 47-year-old discus school record with a throw of 156’2”.

-3rd place: Jones (200m), McIntosh (110m H)

Piper High School record: – Jonathan Ortiz broke the discus record with a 156’2” throw. This record stood for 47 years at Piper.

Piper High School – baseball at SM Northwest –

– Varsity lost game No. 1 (0-10), lost game No. 2 (4-8)

Piper High School – regional choir

– 1 (superior) rating and have qualified for state:

Music-n-Motion women

Music-n-Motion men

Rachel Saunders, Vocal solo

Steven Hodge, Vocal solo

Ashley Pate, Vocal solo

Anissa Brantley, Vocal solo

– 2 (excellent) rating:

Bella Voce

Sarah Stella, Vocal solo

Jared Winzer, Vocal solo

Laura Clark, Vocal solo

Elizabeth Warner, Vocal solo

Ellen Havel, Vocal solo

Josie Jones, Vocal solo

Shaylee Kane, Vocal solo

– from Doug Key, Piper activities director