Piper results

Kayla Crumby and Kellen Brunk were named king and queen at last week’s Piper High School basketball game. (Photo from Piper High School)
Kayla Crumby and Kellen Brunk were named king and queen at last week’s courtwarming at the Piper High School basketball game. (Photo from Piper High School)

Piper High School – basketball vs. Bishop Ward (weekend games)
– Girls
o Varsity won 95-18, JV won 53-12, and 9th won 36-3
– Boys
o Varsity won 61-26, JV won 66-25, and 9th won 62-30

Piper High School- debate at state
– Jalen Zwart/Abby Neal placed 4th in 2-Speaker

Piper basketball schedule:
Boys will be at Spring Hill tonight
– game time is 6:30 p.m., but they will play ahead of schedule if possible.
– bus departs at 3:30 p.m.
Girls basketball:
– games start 4:15 with 9th, then JV, followed V. 2nd and 3rd games will start 15 minutes after the conclusion of the previous game.
8th grade information night is scheduled for 6 p.m. in the PHS auditorium

– Doug Key, Piper High School activities director